By the way, Chinese New Year is the one to celebrate here. Apparently the place just goes OFF. No surprise since it's the "Chinese" New Year. (Do we have an "Australian" New Year - maybe its time to start one?) - I digress.
Apparently, each year the Christmas decorations get bigger. So, this year I thought I would do the first ever (Official-esque) INDEPENDENT SURVEY OF CHRISTMAS TREES. Or as I have come to call it, the I-SOCT. It's a review of trees for the magnificent "Best in Trees" award.
The interesting thing here, is that often the department store or building will get a resident shop to sponsor the tree. In return the company gets nice signage, and a warm fuzzy feeling outside of the building. So negotiating skills are all part of the deal.
Might I also point out, that unfortunately, the judge has not been bribed in any way. So the views are independent and unbiased.
Let me share some of the contenders.
At the local (very good) shopping centre. A Swatch sponsored tree, nice but small. Especially when its in front of the awesome decorations for the building itself. (see pic 2)
The shopping centre (awarded best overall decorations) - but not BEST IN TREES

Last Place - outside of Raffles Plaza - its a robot tree (dumb)
The building I have been working in (just lame)

And using the street trees just doesn't cut it.
The Nanjin Rd Mall. Big, colourful, bright - good but no prize this year.
THIRD PRIZE - The neon tree at Plaza 66. It changes colour and is accompanied by deer, sleigh, small trees etc. It's very good.
SECOND PRIZE - All class. Longines sponsored at Times Square. The biggest tree. Elegant and modern. Very Longines. Very classy, Very good tree.
The huge, the soft, the cute, TOY TREE. This is a great idea well done. You can cuddle the tree. How crazy, yet cool. A new spin on it all. (check out the small shots - its all soft)

So, after of that excitement, I wish you and your family a happy, safe and wonderful Christmas and a new year full of good fortune. (And don't try cuddling your Christmas tree - it will prickle you)
I want one of those trees! How cute!
I want a re-count ... Go The Robot! Tree
ummmm ... Robot Tree!
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